Filter by Current Month
We need to have two calculated fields, one showing the first day of the month that the due date is in and one showing the last day of the month that the due date is in.We can then use the filter to show only records where

[Today] >= First Day Of Month


[Today] <= Last Day Of Month

The first column will be called something like Start of Month
Set the column type to Calculated and the data type to Date only
Uncheck the ‘Add to default view’ button as we want these columns to stay behind the scenes

The Start of Month column formula should be

=DATE(YEAR([Due Date]), MONTH([Due Date]), 1)

The End of Month formula :-

=DATE(YEAR([Due Date]), MONTH([Due Date])+1,1)-1

(Which is the first day of next month - 1)


Now create a new view, call it something like “Due This Month” and setup the filter for
Start of Month is less than or equal to [Today]
End of Month is greater than or equal to [Today]
Using the same technique you can also use the following formula
The current week (Sunday to Saturday inclusive)

Start Week =[Due Date] - WEEKDAY([Due Date]) +1
End Week =[Due Date] +7 - WEEKDAY([Due Date])

The previous month

Start Month =DATE(YEAR([Due Date]), MONTH([Due Date])+1, 1)
End Month =DATE(YEAR([Due Date]), MONTH([Due Date])+2,1)-1

The next month

Start Month =DATE(YEAR([Due Date]), MONTH([Due Date])-1, 1)
End Month =DATE(YEAR([Due Date]), MONTH([Due Date]),1)-1

The current year

Start Year =DATE(YEAR([Due Date]),1,1)
End Year =DATE(YEAR([Due Date]),12,31)

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